Edited by
R. A. Rabinovich and N. P. Telnov
This collection of selected papers is dedicated to the memory of Svetlana S. Ryabtseva (1966—2019), a very pure soul, scholar, archaeologist, leading student of the history of medieval gold-work, costume and jewelry set of Eastern and South-Eastern Europe. As both Russian and Moldovan researcher, she took a unique place in science: her stuides became a ‘bridge between East and West’, i.e. between studies of Eastern, South-Eastern and Central Europe. Her life was short, but she left a very good heritage. It consists not only of her outstanding academic writings, but also her true and positive inspiration, which emanated from her and was shared between her family, friends and colleagues. The volume contains papers written by researchers from Moldova, Russia, Ukraine, Romania, Belarus, Bulgaria, Hungary, Slovakia, Poland, France and the United Kingdom.

508 стр., 29,9Mb
R. A. Rabinovich, N. P. Telnov (Kishinev, Moldova)‘My eyes are fondling your portrait’. A few touches to the portrait of researcher Svetlana Ryabtseva Free!15A.E. Zhabreva (Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation)List of works by Svetlana Ryabtseva Free!33PhotosPhotoalbum Free!43Graphic worksA few graphic works by Svetlana Ryabtseva Free!44
M. M. Kazanski (Paris, France)Fingered Fibulae of Archar-Histria Type on the Danube and in the Crimea Free!47S. Doncheva (Shumen, Bulgaria)On the Shape and Decoration of Belt Mounts in the Early Medieval Bulgaria Free!55S. V. Tomsinsky (Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation)An Applique for a Bag of 900—950 from the Town of Uglich Free!69K. A. Lavysh (Minsk, Belarus)Oriental and Byzantine Traditions in a Complex of Ornaments for Women’s Costume in Rus’ (by Materials of Medieval Towns of Belarus). Free!77A. E. Zhabreva (Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation)About Some Graphic Sources on the Medieval Costume of the Serbian Nobility Free!89N. V. Zhilina (Moscow, Russian Federation)Fibula as Insignia in a Western-European Costume Free!99C. Tătaru, T. A. Martin (Bucharest, Romania)Pin jewelry pieces from an early 17th century hoard found near Vlădiceasca village, Călăraşi county Free!107L. V. Dergaciova (Bucharest, Romania)Medieval Female Headpiece Found in the Republic of Moldova Free!119N. M. Kalashnikova (Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation)On Using Jewellery Replicas during Reconstruction of the Historical Dresses Free!125
O. V. Gopkalo (Kyiv, Ukraine)Finger Rings, Temple Rings, Bracelets, Earrings, Torcs: rare accessories of burial dress of the Chernyakhov — Sântana de Mureș Culture Free!135V. Yotov (Varna, Bulgaria)Gold Plate with Monogram of the Late-Antique Fortress at Cape of St. Atanas Free!147I. Akhmedov (Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation)“Relic” Forms of Jewelry from Elshino Hoard of the 7th Century AD Free!151V. E. Rodinkova (Moscow, Russian Federation)History of Study of Women's Metal Attire from the “Antiquities of the Antae” Circle Free!163A. V. Mastykova (Moscow, Russian Federation)Medieval Finger Rings with Pentagram in the South-Western Crimea: Origin, Distribution, Dating Free!171S. Oţa (Bucharest, Romania)Earrings Decorated with Hemstitched Spherical Pendants Found on the Territory of Romania, Moldavia and the Serbian Banat Free!181Yu. V. Stepanova (Tver, Russian Federation)Finger-rings from the Rural Burial Sites of the Tver Upper Volga of 11th—13th Centuries Free!191A. Boldureanu (Kishinev, Moldova)Bracelet with Arabic Inscription and Leonine Mask Found in Costeşti Town of the 14th Century (Moldova) Free!201S. I. Valiulina (Kazan, Russian Federation)Some Jewelry and Costume Details of the Toretskoe Urban Settlement Free!207
L. V. Strokova (Kyiv, Ukraine)Ancient Russian Treasure Hoard from Novi Bezradychi of Kyiv Oblast Free!221Yu. V. Mysko (Kyiv, Ukraine)Objects of the Old Rus Head and Neck Jewelry Dress in the Depositary Collection of the National Kyiv-Pechersk Historical and Cultural Reserve Free!227A. F. Kochkina, D. A. Stashenkov (Samara, Russian Federation)Jewelry of the Volga Bulgaria Era from the Funds of the Samara Museum for Historical and Regional Studies named after P. V. Alabin Free!237
M. P. Kruk (Kraków, Poland)Double-Sided Encolpion with the Virgin and Child and Three Saints in the Collection of the Princes Czartoryski in Krakow (inv. no. MNK XIII-475) Free!251A. A. Peskova, A. Yu. Kononovich (Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation)Fragments of the Silver Frames of Liturgical Items from the Excavation of a Large Fortified Settlement near Shepetоvka Free!265I. A. Sterligova (Moscow, Russian Federation)Metal Ornaments on Old Russian Icons: Evidence of Carved and Cast Images from the Thirteenth Century Free!277L. V. Pekarska (London, Great Britain)Gold Cloisonné Kolty with Images of Saints: their Manufacturing Manner and Unknown Style Features Free!285I. Tentiuc, V. Bubulici (Chişinău, Moldova)Early Medieval Miniature Axes in Carpathian-Dniester Region. The Issues of Dating, Origin and Functionality Free!299
S. V. Beletsky (Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation)The Axe with the Image of an Ancient Russian Ducal Sign from the Outskirts of Chernihiv Free!311B. Lesák (Bratislava, Slovakia), N. V. Khamaiko (Kyiv, Ukraine), O. Ye. Chernenko (Chernihiv, Ukraine)Seals of Princess Marina Free!315L. P. Zabolotnaia (Kishinev, Moldova)The Mystery of One Portrait: Maria Vladimirovna Staritskaya or Maria (Lupu) Radziwill? Free!331
K. S. Chugunova (Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation)Informational Value of Medieval Metal’s Chemical Composition Based on Two Groups of Copper-Alloy Jewelry Free!341I. E. Zaytseva, E. S. Kovalenko, K. M. Podurets, M. M. Murashev (Moscow, Russian Federation)Medieval Russian Cross Pendants: Neutron and Synchrotron Imaging Experience Free!353I. A. Saprykina (Moscow, Russian Federation)Pewter Jewelry in the Urban Jewelry Set in 12th—13th cc. (According to the Materials from Excavations in Tver) Free!363M. I. Gonyanyi, T. G. Saracheva (Moscow, Russian Federation)Chemical Composition of Metal Used in Breast Crosses from Ustye 2, 3 Settlements on the Kulikovo Field Free!369E. V. Salmina, S. A. Salmin (Pskov, Russian Federation)Metallurgical Furnaces on the Burial Mounds (discovery of the medieval metallurgy district in Pskov during excavations in 2016—2019) Free!381T. B. Senichenkova, S. O. Uriupov (Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation)Revisiting the Ancient Technique of Tar-making Free!389
O. V. Komar (Kyiv, Ukraine)Belt Fittings of the 9th Century from the Early Magyar Burials of the Dniester-Danube Region Free!397E. Gáll (Bucharest, Romania)The Grave of an Allegedly “Conquest Period Hungarian Warrior” Found at Tei Lake near Bucharest in 1959 Free!407M. V. Kvitnytskyi (Tiraspol, Moldova), N. P. Telnov (Kishinev, Moldova), V. S. Sinika (Tiraspol, Moldova), S. D. Lysenko (Kyiv, Ukraine), A. Türk (Budapest, Hungary)Grave from Vladycheni with Adornment of the Hungarian Type Free!415
S. N. Travkin (Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation)Some Features of the Use of Coins in Jewelry in the Middle Ages Free!427E. R. Mikhaylova (Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation)Barrows with Inhumations from the Medieval Cemetery Kotorsk IX Free!433V. Yu. Sobolev (Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation)Ancient Russian Funeral Culture of the Novgorod Land. Chronological Indicators of Early Stage Free!447A. V. Kurbatov (Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation)A Rare Find from Berezov in the North of Western Siberia Free!453N. D. Russev (Kishinev, Moldova)From Multi-Colored Threads to Bones and Small Knives: towards history of ethnographic objects from remote childhood Free!461
D. A. Topal (Kishinev, Moldova)Jewellery from Vettersfelde Hoard: in search of the narrative, its author and recipient Free!469A.A. Romanchuk (Kishinev, Moldova)Women's Jewelry and the Origin of Old Russian State: Some Remarks in the Margins of the Issue Free!479A. E. Musin (Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation)Paradoxes of the Reception of Byzantine Culture in Medieval Rus’ Free!487F. Niţu (Bucharest, Romania)Jewellery Consumption in Wallachia and Moldova, 17th—18th centuries Free!499
List of AbbreviationsList of Abbreviations Free!505