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Stratum Library

publishing series
ISBN 978-9975-3198-0-5

Stratum Library is a special publishing programme. It aims to publish studies, whose primary focus is on interpretation of complex social-cultural processes related to genesis of archaeological cultures and their living prototypes represented by different ethnic, social and economic communities. Interdisciplinary (historical-cultural, cultural-anthropological, linguistic, etc.) analytical studies, including explanation of such phenomena as cultural changes, crises and catastrophes, migrations, interaction of cultures and civilizations, analysis of social, economic and technological structures of the past – these are priorities of this programme. Stratum Publishing House sees its mission in improving quality and standards of discussions within historical disciplines, involving specialists of different disciplines in these discussions, enabling a more intense theoretical and conceptual environment, as well as enhancing critical approaches and importance of the most relevant scientific problems.


Volume of papers “Aere perennius. More lasting than bronze. Essays in honour of Valentin Dergachev on the occasion of his 80th birthday”
Edited by L. V. Dergacheva
2023 year, 649 pages, ISBN: 978-9975-3621-0-8 e-ISBN: 978-9975-3621-1-5

This volume is dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Moldavian archaeologist Valentin Dergachev, researcher of the ancient history of Eastern and Southeastern Europe, the author of more than 160 papers on the Neolithic, Eneolithic and Bronze Age, of which 25 are monographic studies. It is no coincidence that the book is titled with a line from Horace, who discourages Melpomene by the fact that “he has built a monument more lasting than bronze”.  Though what could be stronger than bronze and more ephemeral than monuments? In this sense, the fate of monuments, in the protection of which Valentin Dergachev worked in his youth, is similar to the destiny of many scientific texts. They are often demolished, sent to the trash, or melted down into new ones. At the same time, bronze or even copper itself, which Dergachev was so passionately engaged in throughout his career, has been living in human culture for thousands of years. So do good scientific texts, which, as a rule, outlive their creators for a long time and become the foundation for the discoveries of the next generations. Our volume brings together the works of researchers from Moldova, Romania, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Russia, Georgia, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, Poland, Germany, Italy, Finland, Spain, Canada and the USA. 


Volume of papers “The footsteps of my friends leaving ... Ad memoriam Oleg Sharov”
Edited by Michel M. Kazanski и Anna V. Mastykova
2022 year, 348 pages, ISBN: 978-5-88554-151-0 e-ISBN: 978-5-88554-152-7

This collection of articles is dedicated to the memory of Oleg Sharov, a well-known archaeologist and specialist in Roman Time antiquities from the south of Eastern Europe. This volume contains memoirs of Oleg Sharov’s friends and family members, his latest and unpublished works, as well as articles written by his colleagues. The articles cover a rather extensive range of topics, fully matching O. Sharov’s research interests, including papers on the Bronze Age, Early Iron Age, Antiquity and the Great Migrations. It will be interesting for archaeologists, historians, university lecturers and students, as well as anyone interested in the early history of the region.




Volume of papers “One her wing is silver, The other one is made of gold…”
Edited by R. F. Rabinovich и N. P. Telnov
2020 year, 508 pages, e-ISBN: 978-9975-3343-6-5

This collection of selected papers is dedicated to the memory of Svetlana S. Ryabtseva (1966—2019), a very pure soul, scholar, archaeologist, leading student of the history of medieval gold-work, costume and jewelry set of Eastern and South-Eastern Europe. As both Russian and Moldovan researcher, she took a unique place in science: her stuides became a ‘bridge between East and West’, i.e. between studies of Eastern, South-Eastern and Central Europe. Her life was short, but she left a very good heritage. It consists not only of her outstanding academic writings, but also her true and positive inspiration, which emanated from her and was shared between her family, friends and colleagues. The volume contains papers written by researchers from Moldova, Russia, Ukraine, Romania, Belarus, Bulgaria, Hungary, Slovakia, Poland, France and the United Kingdom.  


Volume of papers In search of the essence
Edited by M. E. Tkachuk и G. G. Atanasov
2019 year, 478 pages, ISBN: 978-9975-3343-2-7 e-ISBN: 978-9975-3343-1-0

Elsewhere, not in Moldova, Nikolai D. Russev would have been long ago recognized an outstanding contemporary, a kind of Jacques Le Goff from the Balkans, a kind of Nicolae Iorga from the Danube and Dniester, an active and cheerful chronicler, keeper and — in a certain sense — an eyewitness of the region’s five hundred years of history. The kind of history nobody else can tell here, unfortunately. The kind of history he is writing every day, having hardly anyone to tell it to. The historical activity is disappearing here. Storytellers are not wanted. No one is tempted by the lessons of the past. Mistakes are not learnt from, personalities are not respected. Moldova, this “borderland between worlds and times”, turns into an intellectual and human desert.


Antiquities. Studies. Issues

Volume of papers «Antiquities. Studies. Issues»
Edited by Vitalij Sinica and Roman Rabinovich
2018 year, 508 pages, ISBN: 978-9975-4269-9-2, E-ISBN: 978-9975-3198-1-2

This volume has been prepared quickly, smoothly and cheerfully. This is, perhaps, because it is dedicated to the 70th birthday anniversary of a person who is always cheerful himself, an archaeologist, zealous and lucky researcher, a radiant personality and a very kind man, as well as a wonderful colleague and true friend of all good people – Nicolai Telnov. 
His journey in science has been long and fruitful: from Belgorod to Bucovina, from the Crimea to the Carpathians; expeditions and field surveys, libraries and museums; with shovel and satchel; with fantastic patience and sensational results, with vast experience and rich knowledge ready to share with his colleagues and disciples. Telnov’s realm is Tripolye and Scythians, Dacians and Slavs, medieval nomads and the old letters of the sad Lay of Igor’s Warfare. His inquisitive mind knows no limits, and we will be more than glad if this volume can serve him and other readers as a trigger to follow the thorny path of science in search of new insights. 


Volume of papers «Saint-Petersburg Apocrypha. Epistle of Mark»
Editor-in-Charge: О.V. Sharov
2011 year, 588 pages, ISBN 978-9975-4079-3-9