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Monographs, collection of articles, textbooks

History, Archaeology, Cultural Anthropology

And … the Slavs Spread Across the Earth

N. P. Telnov, V. P. Stepanov, N. D. Russev, R. A. Rabinovici
And … the Slavs Spread Across the Earth

0,00 €
Introduction to Pre-History

L. B. Vishnyatsky
Introduction to Pre-History

4,00 €
Two Hoards from Old Orhei

P. P. Birnya, T. F. Ryaboy
Two Hoards from Old Orhei

3,00 €
Anthropology of Civilizations

L. A. Mosionjnic
Anthropology of Civilizations

3,00 €
Perspectivele de reziliență a familiei în contextul multiplelor crize. Ediția a X-a

Materialele Conferinţei știinţifico-practice. 11 Mai 2023. Chșinău, Moldova
Perspectivele de reziliență a familiei în contextul multiplelor crize. Ediția a X-a

0,00 €
Psycho-emotional resilience in emergency situations: a practical guide for teenagers

V. Bodrug-Lungu, L. Darii, A. Donos, E. Osadchaya
Psycho-emotional resilience in emergency situations: a practical guide for teenagers

0,00 €
Psycho-emotional resilience in emergencies situations: a practical guide for parents

V. Bodrug-Lungu, S. Tolstaia, V. Papuc-Pomana
Psycho-emotional resilience in emergencies situations: a practical guide for parents

0,00 €
Psycho-emotional resilience of teaching staff in the context of the humanitarian crisis: guide for teachers

V. Bodrug-Lungu, V. Reaboi-Petrachi, M. Șevciuc, A. Tarnovschi
Psycho-emotional resilience of teaching staff in the context of the humanitarian crisis: guide for teachers

0,00 €

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