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Monographs, collection of articles, textbooks

History, Archaeology, Cultural Anthropology

Human in Face of Culture

L. A. Mosionjnic
Human in Face of Culture

6,00 €
Anthropology of Civilizations

L. A. Mosionjnic
Anthropology of Civilizations

6,00 €
Early Nomads in Europe (10-5th cc. BC)

I. V. Bruyako
Early Nomads in Europe (10-5th cc. BC)

13,00 €
Introduction to Pre-History

L. B. Vishnyatsky
Introduction to Pre-History

6,00 €
Metal Sickles of the Late Bronze Age in Eastern Europe

V. A. Dergachev, V. S. Bochkarev.
Metal Sickles of the Late Bronze Age in Eastern Europe

11,00 €
Human in Face of Culture

L. A. Mosionjnic
Human in Face of Culture

5,00 €

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