Pages: 312
This book by a famous researcher from St.-Petersburg L. B. Vishnyatski is a course of lectures held by the author at the University High Anthropological School. It is a vivid and absorbing reading in pre-history, i.e. history of the human society in pre-written epoch, containing most advanced ideas about the primitive society and debatable problems of research. Expressive illustrations enable a better understanding of the text.
The book is meant for those university students who study the primitive society, as well as for a wide readership.
Doctor of history M. E. Tkachuk
Secretary in charge:
Doctor of history R. A. Rabinovici
Reviewed by:
Doctor habilitat of history V. A. Dergaciov,
Doctor of historical sciences I. V. Bruyako
Doctor of history L. A. Mosionjnic
D. A. Topal