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Content MONOGRAPH INSIDE THE JOURNAL A. E. Negin (Nizhny Novgorod, Russia)Armament of the Roman Army during the Principate: Economic, Technological and Organizational Aspects of Production and Supply Free!15 WORLDS. CULTURES. CHRONOLOGY M. K. Seitkaliyev (Almaty, Kazakhstan)Extraordinary Burial Complex from Karatobe Burial Ground in West Kazakhstan Free!141A. A. Yegoreichenko (Minsk, Belarus)Braslav Lake District in the First Centuries AD Free!149V. G. Beliavets (Minsk, Belarus)On Finds of Eye Fibulae of O. Almgren Group III on the Territory of the Republic of Belarus Free!159Yu. V. Shirin (Novokuznetsk, Russia)Towards Attribution of a Random Find from the Collection of the National Museum of Archaeology in Warsaw Free!179A. S. Mylashevskyi (Kiev, Ukraine)Vessels of IA Type after R. Wołągiewicz in the Chernyakhov Culture Free!189K. N. Skvorzov (Kaliningrad, Russia)Excavations of the Early Zone of Berezovka Burial Ground (2nd—12th Cent.) (Kaliningradskaya Oblast, Russia) in 2004 Free!213O. A. Radjush (Moscow, Russia)On the Northern Extremity of So-Called Daggers with Cutouts Free!231 ROME AND BARBARIANS O. V. Symonenko (Kiev, Ukraine)Sarmatian Age Helmets from Eastern Europe Free!249K. G. Varachova (Kharkov, Ukraine)On Distribution of Truncated Conical Clay Beakers in Chernyakhov Culture (burial 125 of Voitenki cemetery) Free!285M. M. Kazanski (Paris, France)A Burial of the Migration Period in Сonceşti: Inventory, Dating, Funeral Rites, Social Status and Ethno-Cultural Attribution Free!299 PRESENTATIONS L. A. Mosionjnic (Kishinev, Moldova)Rausch S. 2013. Bilder des Nordens. Vorstellungen vom Norden in der griechischen Literatur von Homer bis zum Ende des Hellenismus. Free!339 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION List of AbbreviationsList Free!345SubmissionsSubmissions Free!352
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PaperbackPages— 365 Format — 200×290 mm ISSN: 1608 - 9057 E-ISSN: 1857-3533
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