From the editorsGreetings from Stratum plus to Yu. A. Vinogradov and I. I. Marchenko on the occasion of their birthday anniversaries Free!17
P. P. Azbelev (Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation)Pazyryk Heritage and the Yuezhi Problem23N. A. Sutiagina (Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation)Chinese Origins of Xiongnu Funerary Rite57A. S. Skripkin (Volgograd, Russian Federation)On Political Organization of Sarmatians between Two Eras73E. V. Vdovchenkov (Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation)Social Transformations in Sarmatian Society in the 1st Century AD85V. S. Sinika (Tiraspol, Moldova), S. N. Razumov, S. D. Lysenko (Kiev, Ukraine), N. P. Telnov (Kishinev, Moldova)Аn Extraordinary Sarmatian Complex in the Vicinity of Tiraspol on the Left Bank of the Lower Dniester101V. I. Mordvintseva (Simferopol, Crimea)Social Structure of the Hillfort Population at Zolotaya Balka Village115A. E. Puzdrovsky(†), A. A. Trufanov (Simferopol, Crimea)Two-Chambers Crypt with Relief Tombstone from Ust-Alma Necropolis (Crimea)143P. V. Shuvalov (Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation)Windi and Indi in Baltics175V. I. Kulakov (Moscow, Russian Federation)Armilla and Snake Head Bracelets on the North-Eastern Border of Barbaricum183K. N. Skvorzov, K. L. Iuganov (Kaliningrad, Russian Federation)Horse Bridle of the Early Roman Period in the Shosseinoye Burial Ground (Kaliningrad Region)193A. A. Krasnopeorov (Izhevsk, Russian Federation)Date and Relationship of Grave 727 of the Tarasovo Cemetery in Kama Area207
B. A. Raev (Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation), O. V. Symonenko (Kiev, Ukraine)A Pseudo-Attic Helmet from Apostolidi’s Farm: Historical and Archaeological Context237A. E. Negin (Nizhny Novgorod, Russian Federation)Inscriptions on the Roman “Parade” Armour: Commemorative Practice or a Sign of Belonging?257M. M. Choref (Nizhnevartovsk, Russian Federation)To the Question of Chersonesos-Bosporus Contacts by Sigillographic Data267A. P. Medvedev (Voronezh, Russian Federation)On the Turn of Hellenistic and Roman Age in History and Culture of Phanagoria (according to materials from excavations of Eastern necropolis, 2005—2007)277S. V. Ushakov (Sevastopol, Crimea)Notes on the Amphora from “Basileides’s Farmstead” in the Chora of Tauric Chersonesos293D. A. Kostromichyov (Sevastopol, Crimea)Openwork Buckles with Pelta-form Loop. Questions of Typology, Chronology and Origin299O. V. Sharov (Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation), M. M. Choref (Nizhnevartovsk, Russian Federation)To a Question of Dating of tabula ansata with a Name of Julius Callisthenes357
A. A. Trufanov (Simferopol, Crimea)Alexander Puzdrovskij (01.09.1960—30.03.2015) Free!379List of Scientific WorksList of Scientific Works by Alexander Puzdrovskij Free!381
List of AbbreviationsList Free!385SubmissionsSubmissions Free!387