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Essays in honour of Igor Manzura on the occasion of his 60th birthday

S. Ţerna, B. Govedarica


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Pages: 11-12

In archeology, 60 years represent an insignificant time span; in human life – even if in archeologist’s – this remarkable anniversary is an important milestone, an expressive point in one’s life journey, the time to sum up. On the one hand, 60-year old people are those who have reached the peak of their creativity and life-time achievements; on the other hand, they realize that have left behind the greater and, perhaps, brighter and most temperamental part of their life ,and it is the right moment to review the miles covered and to summarize what has been done and what not.
We celebrate the birthday anniversary of Igor Vasilyevich Manzura, who can look proudly over his own 60 years. He belongs to a rare category of sincere, determined and friendly people who always exert positive influence on the wider public and create a lot of good things. It is no wonder that his way in archaeology has been very successful, representing a brilliant example of scientific curiosity and erudition, while his scientific capacities and personal affability gained the affection of his colleagues and friends.
Igor Manzura was born in Chişinău on 14 January 1956. In 1983, he graduated from the Faculty of History of the State University and married his wife Elena. Although further course of life brought our hero to various world archaeological centers, starting from training (1984-1985) and doctoral studies supervised by professor V. M. Masson in St. Petersburg (1985-1989), and continuing with research grants from IREX foundation in Los Angeles (1993-1994) and Alexander von Humboldt Foundation in Heidelberg (1997-1999), Igor Manzura remained faithful to the place of his birth. From 1983 to 1999, he worked as Research Fellow at the Institute of Archaeology of the Moldavian Academy of Sciences. As one of the founders of the “High Anthropological School” University, in 1999 he becomes a lecturer in this educational institution, where later he got the position of Academic Director and Professor. His pedagogical activities are of special importance, which reflected themselves in the progress of a number of "High Anthropological School" University graduates who chose academic and research careers.
Since 1999, Igor Vasilyevich Manzura has been permanent editor of the second volume (Neolithic – Copper Age – Bronze Age) of the Stratum Plus Journal, which has become over time one of the leading Russian-language periodicals of archeology and cultural anthropology.
The numerous archaeological excavations and research projects which have been carried out by I. V. Manzura in Moldova and Ukraine as well as the wide spectrum of published works are the best indicator for the coverage and range of his scientific interests including the Copper and Early Bronze Ages of southeast Europe, final Copper Age on the territory between Lower Danube and Dniester, the Copper Age of the North Pontic steppes, archaeology of the first Indo-Europeans, social structures and signs of power in the southeast European Copper Age. Thus, I. V. Manzura's activities have spread over a truly wide European context. This fact is reflected in the constant interest of specialists from most different countries in his works – in particular, for the ones concerning the Copper Age.
Considering the high degree of popularity of I. V. Manzura, as well as the undoubted scientific recognition of his activities, it is not surprising that many colleagues and friends, disciples and – we would dare say – comrades-in-arms decided to contribute to this anniversary publication, either by preparing a paper or bringing their names in Tabula gratulatoria. The book offered for the attention of the readers and I.V. Manzura himself, in many ways, reflects the range of his scientific interests and contains most various studies in archaeology – focusing both on the Neolithic – Bronze Ages and later periods – as well as ethnology, anthropology, history and theory of science. The geographical coverage of the subjects provided in this book is huge, expanding over the Eurasian continent, from Central Europe to Eastern Siberia and Asia.
Preparation of such an impressive collection of studies wouldn't be possible without the generous support of Andrey Behr-Glinka (Moscow), to whom we are immensely grateful. We express our sincere gratitude to all authors of articles and members of Tabula gratulatoria. Also, we thank the staff of the “High Anthropological School” University and “Stratum Plus” Publishing House; without their involvement, energy, disinterested participation and professionalism this anniversary volume would hardly be issued. This refers to M. E. Tkachuk, J. B. Croitor, A. N. Burean, D. A. Topal, L. A. Mosionjnic, G. V. Zasypkina and I. D. Timotina who can be fully considered as coeditors of this book.
With this honorific volume we, the editors, would like to present our homage and tribute to Igor Vasilyevich Manzura and to wish him long and successful activities, good health, joy from family members, relatives and friends, as well as many further pleasant discoveries, both in science and beyond!

Stanislav Ţerna, Blagoje Govedarica,
December 2016

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