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Stratum plus Journal

Archaeology and Cultural Anthropology

Balances of History: Values and Means

Stratum plus. 2018. No6
Balances of History: Values and Means

19,00 € 20,00 € 47,00 €
When the Ages were Middle: Society and Power

Stratum plus. 2018. No5
When the Ages were Middle: Society and Power

19,00 € 20,00 € 47,00 €
Terra Barbarica and ‛Non-Roman Elite’

Stratum plus. 2018. No4
Terra Barbarica and ‛Non-Roman Elite’

19,00 € 20,00 € 47,00 €
Sociology of the Beyond

Stratum plus. 2018. No3
Sociology of the Beyond

19,00 € 20,00 € 47,00 €
Late Prehistory of Eurasia: Social Models and Cult Practices

Stratum plus. 2018. №2
Late Prehistory of Eurasia: Social Models and Cult Practices

19,00 € 20,00 € 47,00 €
Societies and Symbols of Prehistory

Stratum plus. 2018. No1
Societies and Symbols of Prehistory

19,00 € 20,00 € 47,00 €
Journeys of Things

Stratum plus. 2017. No6
Journeys of Things

19,00 € 20,00 € 47,00 €
“Summa technologiarum”: by homilies of Theophilus Presbyter

Stratum plus. 2017. No5
“Summa technologiarum”: by homilies of Theophilus Presbyter

19,00 € 20,00 € 47,00 €
Between Limes and the Celestial Empire: centers of power and production

Stratum plus. 2017. No4
Between Limes and the Celestial Empire: centers of power and production

19,00 € 20,00 € 47,00 €

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