Pages: 281-293 | DOI:
For the Germans of the Roman period, and especially for the Chernyakhov Goths, metal and antler combs had a sacral and magical significance. The “cult of combs” among the Goths went through several stages of development, gradually intensifying in its material manifestation. From the second half of the 3rd century from Northern Europe, iron combs-amulets penetrate into the Chernyakhov culture. In the middle of the 4th century, they were replaced by miniature horn amulets. At the same time, images of combs appear on ceramics. In the last quarter of the 4th century combs with drawings of animals (mythological characters) appear.
Keywords: late Roman period, Goths, amulets, images, antler
Information about author:
Boris Magomedov (Kyiv, Ukraine). Doctor of Historical Sciences. Institute of Archeology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Heroiv Stalingradu Ave.,12, Kyiv, 04210, Ukraine
E-mail: [email protected]
ORCID: 0000-0003-2079-6782