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Materialele Conferinţei știinţifico-practice. 11 Mai 2023. Chșinău, Moldova

V. Balerca

The intervention of the family psychologist in the regulation of crisis situations

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Pages: 29-36 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.55086/PRFCMCX2936

Specialists in family psychology approach individuals and the family group, with the ultimate goal of preventing and solving problems that may arise in the family context. Interventions in this field consider that family dynamics play an important role in the psychological functioning of family members. The specialized training allows him to intervene to prevent possible family problems, but also to solve them. Failure to resolve these crises in time will lead to their exacerbation, that is why the family psychologist acts at the right time for the stability and balance of the family, taking into account different aspects: family history, ethnicity, level of culture. The tools that the psychologist uses take into account several factors: the specifics of the family, the specifics of the family crisis that has occurred, the level of maturity of the members, the reluctance to change, the motivation to change the crisis situation. All these aspects lead the family psychologist to develop those tools adapted to the situation because solving these problems requires individualized programs.

Information about the author:

Vasilica BALERCĂ. Petricani, Neamţ, Romania. ORCID: 0000-0001-7566-8409

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