Pages: 345-349
In one of Stratum plus volumes, S. V. Tomsinsky published his ideas about my and my colleagues’ discussion against Anti-Normanism, and namely that it was manifestation of a new version of Normanism — Leningrad Neo-Normanism. Tomsinsky’s definition of Normanism is close to ideas of Anti-Normanists, which he, in turn, qualifies as a deadlock. His understanding of the program of our seminar and the whole school behind it, are groundless and wrong, for there is no subject of analysis as such: Normanism as a research matter does not exist.
Keywords: Normanism, Neo-Normanism, Anti-Normanism, Rus, Varangians, Rurik, Norman discussion.
Information about author:
Leo S. Klejn (Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation). Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor.
E-mail: [email protected]