Pages: 410-413
The author publishes, describes and identifies a stone anthropomorphic idol found in early 20th c. near the village of Bogovo (Pskov, Russia). The idol itself disappeared during the World War II, so only some pictures of it are available today. The idol’s face is an oval narrowing in the lower part, with retreating chin. The idol was horned, for the places of the former horns are still visible. The Bogovo artifact finds analogies among the horned Celtic deities. The horned Celtic deity was a supreme deity and its Latin name was Cernunnos, i.e. ‘horny’. The author supposes that the idol could be connected to a Celtic group or a group of Celticized Germans joining the tribal union of Bastarns, who were moving along the big water way – River Velikaya – and who might have established a shrine with an idol of Celtic type.
Keywords: Bogovo Stone Idol, Pskov, Bastarns, Celtic type