Pages: 602-615
The article tells about debris of an early Christian basilica of Durostorum (today the town of Silistra in Bulgaria), which was excavated in 2004-2005. Its architectural features, individual finds, including coins, as well as stratigraphic observations enabled distinguishing two periods in existence of the temple. It seems to have been built some time after the devastations caused by the invading Goths in 376-378 and became part of the new town center – Episcopal residence uniting the local bishop’s residence and two basilicas. About late 5th – early 6th centuries the building survived a considerable destruction (probably caused by an earthquake) and was restored later. The latest dating finds suggest that the basilica perished during dramatic Slavic-Avar invasions of late 6th century. It is less likely that the temple could have survived until appearance of Asparuch’s Bulgarians here in 681.
Keywords: Christian Basilica, Durostorum, Asparuch’s Bulgarians