Pages: 85-100
The place of Tolerable and Rejected in the metaphorical topography of the “mastered space’s” picture appear as a subject of investigation in this article. Presupposition about constant structure of the “mastered space” in different historical epochs lies at the basis of this research. The common structure of the mentioned space appear constant – the central circle of Normal, further circle of Rejected. The last segment is subdivided into the spheres of absolute and relative rejection (or Rejected and Tolerable). The author assumes that there are these negative phenomena which became principal in construction of the “mastered space” picture. Analysis of the law documents and operas of political thought created in England in 17th c. enables the author to verify these initial assumptions. On basis of this analysis the essence of the phenomenon of Rejection and Toleration appear clarified. Contrary to the popular modern interpretations, Toleration presents itself not as a synonym of consent or accord but as a painful agreement for coexistence with something unpleasant. Absolute Rejection indicates some knots of principal importance for this “mastered space”.
Keywords: metaphorical topography, England
Information about author:
Oksana Dovgopolova (Odessa, Ukraine). Doctor of Philosophical Sciences. Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University. Dvoryanskaya St., 2, Odessa, 65026, Ukraine
E-mail: [email protected]