Pages: 31-33
The article compares two groups of hand-made ceramics – of the Pskov Long Barrows Culture and of the lower level of the Izborsk fort. The starting point is V. V. Sedov’s concept, who believed that the early hand-made pottery of Izborsk finds full analogies in the culture of the Long Barrows. The author finds it possible to agree with V. V. Sedov’s conclusion on general terms, although with a number of reservations and additions. First, the Izborsk complex has equivalents only for some types of ceramics from long barrows, and these are more typical of some remote places, rather than of Pskov-Chud’ region (where Izborsk is located). Second, it seems that absence of full correspondence between the two compared complexes is explained by their functional distinction, with household ceramics found in Izborsk and special funeral ceramics – in barrows. Settlements of Pskov Long Barrows culture have been understudied although their fragmented ceramic material enables one to suppose that comparing these complexes with the Izborsk one is rather promising.
Keywords: Correlation between the Long Barrows Culture Ceramics and the Lower Level, Pskov Long Barrows Culture, Settlements