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Subbotin L.V., Razumov S.N., Sinika V.S.

Semyonovka Barrows

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Semyonovka Barrows

Pages: 186

This book contains a presentation and analysis of materials obtained during archaeological study of barrows near Semyonovka village, Belgorod-Dnestrovsky district, Odessa region. The value of these sources lies in the breadth of prehistoric and historical cultures of the region that existed in this territory from the Early Bronze Age to the Sarmatian time.
The book is meant for archaeologists, historians, university professors and students, and anyone interested in the ancient history of the region.
Full summary you can read here

Candidate of Historical Sciences N. P. Telnov

Candidate of Historical Sciences S. B. Valchak
Candidate of Historical Sciences S. D. Lysenko




Foreword (in Russian) ........... 5

Chapter I. Studying Semyonovka barrows: an overview (in Russian) ........... 7

Chapter II. Barrows near Semyonovka village ........... 21

§ 1. Geographic and Topographic Setting (in Russian) ........... 21

1.1. Geographic Setting and Environment (in Russian) ........... 21
1.2. Topography of Barrows and Complexes (in Russian) ........... 24

§ 2. Description of Complexes ........... 25

Chapter III. Cultural and chronological horizons ........... 111

§ 1. Early and Middle Bronze Age ........... 111

1.1. Graves of the Usatovo culture ........... 111
1.2. Burials of the Pit Graves cultural-historical community ........... 112
1.3. Burials of the Catacomb Graves cultural-historical community ........... 126

§ 2. Finale of the Middle and Late Bronze Age ........... 132
§ 3. Burial of the Chernogorovka culture ........... 137
§ 4. Scythian complexes ........... 140
§ 5. Sarmatian burials ........... 160
§ 6. Uncertain graves ........... 162

Conclusion (in Russian) ........... 163
Published and Archival References (in Russian) ........... 165
References ........... 173
List of Abbreviations (in Russian) ........... 181
Summary ........... 183

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Year — 2017

Pages — 186
Format — 200×290mm

ISBN: 978-9975-4486-3-0
e-ISBN: 978-9975-4269-4-7

series «Archaeological Sites of the Dniester Region» — ISBN 978-9975-4486-1-1