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Stratum plus. 2011. №1

A. S. Sytnyk (Lviv, Ukraine)

Middle Palaeolithic Assemblages of Korman’ IV on the Dniester

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Pages: 203-236

The paper deals with the Mousterian assemblages of Korman’ IV, coming from layers 11 and 12. The only 14C date obtained for layer 11 points to an age of ca. 44 ka, which is considered a terminus ante quem for the material in question. Primary attention is given to the description and analysis of stone inventory of layer 12. The author comes to the conclusion that this assemblage, alongside with the Mousterian complexes of Molodovo I and V, belongs to a circle of the Levallois industries of the Dniester region.

Keywords: Dniester River basin, Middle Palaeolithic, Korman’ IV, flint inventory, refitting, technology, Levallois industries

Information about author:

Alexandr Sytnyk (Lviv, Ukraine). Doctor of historical sciences. Ivan Kripyakevich Institute of Ukrainian Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
E-mail: [email protected]

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