Pages: 11-32
It is well known that almost all cultural traits characteristic of the Upper Paleolithic can also be found, even if in somewhat underdeveloped condition, in many Middle Paleolithic industries. The question is if there was a trend towards the increase in numbers of such traits during the Middle Paleolithic, or no “onward movement” took place until the very end of this epoch and the beginning of the Middle to Upper Paleolithic transition. Here I assess the cultural dynamics in the Middle Paleolithic using a simple method, designed to evaluate the general degree of “advancement” of stone/bone industries of the Middle and early Upper Paleolithic by calculating what may be called the MP/UP index. The MP and UP are regarded as two ideal polar extremities each characterized by a number of polar attribute states (flat vs. volumetric cores, non-marginal vs. marginal flaking, rare vs. common evidence of hafting, scarce vs. abundant formal bone tools, etc.). The real MP and UP industries form a continuum of states between the two ideal poles and the position of any assemblage on this scale can be expressed in quantitative terms. The values obtained for more or less reliably dated MP industries from several relatively well studied regions (South Africa, Near East) give no grounds to speak about any directional change during most of this epoch.