Pages: 341-365
The author studies Chernyakhov feminine costume, which is typical for the Eastern Germanic peoples of the late Roman times. It is characterized by presence of a pair of crossbow fibulae or fibulae with two plates. The fibulae are arranged in pairs on the shoulders or chest, but there are known cases where a burial contained three and even four fibulae. The number of these items is determinative for the typology of the Eastern Germanic clothing, suggested by M. Mączyńska (Tempelmann-Mączyńska 1989). This typology is used in this study to examine Chernyakhov burials with two-plate fibulae.
Keywords: Chernyakhov culture, late Roman period, fibulae with two plates, Eastern Germanic peoples, women’s clothing, elements of “masculine” and “feminine” clothing
Information about author:
Anna Mastykova (Moscow, Russia). Doctor of historical sciences. Institute of Archaeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences
E-mail: [email protected]