Pages: 199-211
The paper deals with clarification of the most complete list of magistrates present on the widespread in the Western and Northern Black Sea Region englific stamps imprinted on amphorae, traditionally attributed to Heraclea Pontica. As a result, from the list, numbering 92 names, four magistrates were removed and the reading of the names of two officials was corrected. In addition, eight previously unknown eponyms were added. It is possible that with the appearance of new materials the list of magistrates will be extended with few more officials, whose names are only presumed at the moment. Thus, now we know about a hundred Heracleian magistrates. In connection with the extension of the list there is a need to correct the relative and absolute chronology of ceramic stamps of Heraclea Pontica.
Keywords: Heraclea Pontica, amphorae tare, ceramic stamps, chronological groups, magistrates, manufacturers
Information about author:
Vladimir Kac (Saratov, Russian Federation). Candidate of Historical Sciences. Institute of Archeology and Cultural Heritage of the N. G. Chernyshevsky Saratov State University. Astrakhanskaya St., 83, Saratov, 410012, Russian Federation
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