Pages: 244-270
The article offers to scientific discussion some materials of archaeological research on the settlement Vasilievskoe. It is the only ordinary unfortified settlement that has been studied in Novgorod area. The settlement is situated between the lake Ilmen’ and the Veryazha river. The Ilmen’ basin was one of the most populated and agriculturally developed areas in the Old Novgorod land. Excavation has yielded various industrial and dwelling constructions – debrises, a stone oven, remains of open hearths, pillar and household pits, as well as massive stuff, pottery and other stuff. Pottery, other stuff of the site and radio-carbon test results enable us dating most of Vasilievskoe complexes by 10th c. Digging conducted over several years on the Vasilievskoe settlement enable the authors to infer that the studied area was peripheral on this settlement and occupied under industrial and household complexes.