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Yu. Yu. Shevchenko (St.-Petersburg, Russia)

The Oldest Christian Temple in Eastern Europe, the Great Migration Time

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Pages: 397-414

The Ai-Todor temple of Chilter-Koba cave monastery in the Crimea has an ancient throne adjacent to the inner wall of the apse, which consists of flow systems: a cup-shaped cavity and a drench gutter. This finds analogies in three earliest Byzantine thrones of Jerusalem and among the sites of 2nd — 4th centuries. Since Christianity evolves in Tauris during the Gothic Wars of 264 and 275, one can date these liturgical devices in Chilter-Koba to this time.

Keywords: Liturgical device, Eucharist (communion), throne, Chilter-Koba Tauris

Information about author:

Yuri Shevchenko (St. Petersburg, Russia). Candidate of historical sciences. Peter The Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkamera) of the Russian Academy of Sciences
E-mail: [email protected]

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