Pages: 463-490
The author examines the history of studies of the fibulae of Udine-Planis type, and distinguishes series of such fibulae. The Italo-Germanic series (ca. 490—530 s.) was related to the Ostrogothic kingdom in Italy. The Balkan-Pontic series was shaped under the influence of the Ostrogothic samples; after 530-s. an important production centre developed in Bosporus. The Danube-Dnieper series (ca. 6th c.) was formed in the Lower Danube area; this and the Middle Dnieper area have evidences of local production.
Keywords: fibulae of the Udine-Planis type, Italy, Crimea, Dnieper region
Information about author:
Igor Gavritukhin (Moscow, Russia). Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences
E-mail: [email protected]