Pages: 332-350
The Palaeolithic expedition conducted by the author on the left shore of the middle Dniester (Ternopol oblast’, Ukraine) discovered and partly studied a number of new Mousterian sites (Pilipiche XI, VII, Kasperovtsy I, VI, VII, etc.), which preliminary were identified as “Stinka variety of bifacial industries”. Comparative and typological analysis of most expressive sites of Stinka-Pilipiche type demonstrating a series of bifacial Micoquien forms, various side-scrapers and even end-scrapers suggests a transitory nature of the industry. The evidence allows affirming that “Stinka culture” was not “widely spread in time and space and comprising all the Mousterian time”. It was a comparatively short period of existence of primitive collectives with specialised household at the transitory stage between the Mousterian and the Late Palaeolithic. In its technical aspect, the materials of this industry can be classified as post-Mousterian bifacial period, middle Dniester facies, Stinka-Pilipiche type.