Pages: 315-318
A set of horse harness accessories was found in necropolis of the Bosporan polis Gorgippia in 1999. Harness details, first of all bronze snaffles, are analogies of some details of bridle from Sarmatian burials 1st—2nd centuries A.D. of the Kuban and Don region. This find proves the distribution of Sarmatian-like horse equipment in the antique cities of Bosporus State. Its occurrence can be connected with penetration of natives of the Sarmatian tribal environment into Bosporan cities, first of all the Aspurgians.
Keywords: Bosporan Kingdom, Gorgippia, horse harness, Sarmatians, Aspurgians
Information about author:
Andrey Novichikhin (Anapa, Russia). Candidate of historical sciences. Sochi State University for Tourism and Recreation, Anapa branch
E-mail: [email protected]