Pages: 171-178
Two pottery kilns were uncovered on the multilayer site Trinca-Izvorul lui Luca located in the basin of the Prut River (Republic of Moldova). The structures are related to the layer of the Gordineşti group which is dated to the Triploye CII period (second half of the IV mill. BC). The kilns were situated within special small buildings or plots where pottery was modeled and burnt. They represent double-deck constructions, with the lower chamber for fire and the upper part for placement of pots. The upper deck of these constructions contained painted and coarse pottery. The finds are considered in the context of existing studies of similar pottery kilns within the Cucuteni-Tripolye culture. For the Late Eneolithic (phase Tripolye CII) of the Prut-Dniester interfluve so far there have been known six sites with similar complexes. They belong to different local groups of the Late Tripolye culture.
Keywords: Dniester-Prut region, Eneolithic, Tripolye CII culture, Gordineşti group, settlement, workshop, pottery kilns.
Information about author:
Ghenadie Sîrbu (Kishinev, Moldova). Institute of Cultural Heritage of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova. Stefan cel Mare Bd., 1, Kishinev, MD-2001, Moldova
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