Pages: 527-554
The chronology is based on dates of artefacts and data of the radiocarbon analysis.
Period I (late 5th — the middle of 6th century) is marked by subjects of the late Roman time or the early migration period; it is the time when the Pskov long barrows were formed. Period II (middle 6th century — turn of 8th/9th centuries) is the time of consecutive development of this culture. It can be divided into 2 phases: IIА (second half of 6th—7th century) and IIВ (8th century). Period III (9th century — early 11th century) — the finale of this culture, marked by presence of the Old Russian artifacts.
Keywords: culture of the Pskov long barrows, chronology, periodization
Information about author:
Elena Mikhaylova (St. Petersburg, Russia). Candidate of historical sciences. St.-Petersburg State University
E-mail: [email protected]