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O. V. Sharov (St.-Petersburg, Russia)

Early Phase of Chernyakhov Culture

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Pages: 321-340

The article discusses possibilities to prove some genetic links between Wielbark and Chernyakhov cultures. The author argues that this issue can be solved with the help of chronology, by distinguishing early horizones of finds on such representative cemeteries as Dancheny, Kosanovo, Ruzhichanka, Cherniliv Russky and Toki. The findings led to the following conclusions:

1. Wielbark culture played a crucial role at the initial stage of the Chernyakhov culture. This manifests in a group of early Wielbark burials in Chernyakhov cemeteries, which forms the initial core of the latter, and in a number of categories of various objects and items of jewelry that existed throughout the Chernyakhov culture.
2. The second horizon is marked by ties with the population of the Rhine-Elbe region, where settlements and burial grounds yield large quantities of handmade ware, forms of which are later found throughout the whole area of the Chernyakhov culture in wheel pottery. The same region gave various types of ware of Leuna-Hassleben horison to the Chernyakhov culture.
3. The second and third horizons are marked by the Danish Wave: these are Monstruoso fibulae, iron combs, glass beakers, Bügelknopffibeln with a comb. All of these components merged together and transformed during the period C1b—C2, so that we see the classic Chernyakhov culture in the first decades of the 4th century, and it is difficult to single out the roots it stems from.

Keywords: Chernyakhov culture, Wielbark culture, chronology, Brest-Trishin, Dancheny, Ruzhichanka, Kosanovo, Wolagiewicz-Schindler's classification of ceramics

Information about author:

Oleg Sharov (St.-Petersburg, Russia). Doctor of historical sciences. Institute for the History of Material Culture, Russian Academy of Sciences
E-mail: [email protected]

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