Pages: 8-18
The article is dedicated to the studying of the gray-clay pottery of the first half of the I m. A.D. in the Northern-Western Black Sea region. The authors have divided the ceramics into 2 different chronological and ethno-cultural groups:
1) the production of the antique potter’s workshops in Tyras and Olbia that is the gray-clay ceramics of the late Scythian settlement of the neighborhood of these towns that was produced on the rural settlements;
2) the ceramics of the Chernyakhov culture made by Chernyakhov craftsmen.
A clear distinction of these groups is important for they are viewed as rather similar. In the gray-clay pottery of the antique settlements of the Black Sea region the appearance of the ceramics of the Chernyakhov culture (by forms and by structure of the ceramic complex) is anticipated at the least by 150 years. This does not mean that this ceramics was the direct foundation of the formation of the Chernyakhov culture. Working out of the main features of the appearance of the ceramic complex that later became the Chernyakhov one started before the Chernyakhov culture was composed. The place where this process was taking place still should be found. Anyway, these were not the walls of the Northern-Western Black Sea region.
Information about authors:
Gudkova Alexandra (Odessa, Ukraine). Doctor of historical sciences. Institute of archaeologe NAS of Ukraine, archaeology department of Northen-Western Black Sea region
Malukevich Alexander (Odessa, Ukraine). Doctor of historical sciences. Archaeological Museum, NAS of Ukraine