Pages: 381-390
The article discusses the most important results of the archaeological research of the Ionian Greek colonies in the 11th—6th cent. BC, which took place in the end of the 20th century and in the first decade of the 21th century: the opening of a regular plan of archaic Miletus existed long before Hippodamus, excavations on the eastern slope of the ridge of Mycale, that allowed to suppose a new localization of the Panionion sanctuary; the excavations in the Old Smyrna, shedding light on the history of this city after its capture by the Lydian king Alyattes. The author also gives attention to the problems of integration of the latest archaeological data and narrative traditions in the historical reconstructions of domestic and foreign scholars.
Keywords: Ionia, Panionion, Old Smirna, Miletus, Archaic period, Ionians, orthogonal system
Information about author:
Marina Lapteva (Tobolsk, Russian Federation). Doctor of Historical Sciences. Tobolsk Pedagogical Mendeleyev Institute (the branch of Tyumen State University in Tobolsk). Znamensky St., 58, Tobolsk, 626150, Tyumen Oblast, Russian Federation
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