Pages: 234-276
The article is dedicated to publication of materials from the biggest kurgan making part of the grave yard close to the known Motroninskoe fort of Scythian time (Tyasmin river basin, Dnieper’s right bank forest-steppe zone). The kurgan, 8 m high and over 50 m in diameter, was studied in 2001-2003 by a joint Ukrainian-Polish expedition led by the authors of the article.
Two graves have been uncovered (Central and Lateral), representing vaults of considerable size made in earth pits. The lateral vault contained an inhumation of a fully armed warrior; the Central seems to have contained a female inhumation.
Although the kurgan was devastated, the vaults still contained a number of items of great importance, like metal means of protection of horse (heavy headrests, an exclusive lamellate breast-collar, etc.). Quite unusual are some features of mound, a wooden construction over the Central vault, etc. The preserved burial goods allow dating the kurgan by the 2nd half of 5th c. BC, and suggest that it was a burial place of noble Scythians.