Pages: 245-262
The article contains description of cases of interstratifications of Shankobian and Taubodrakian industry materials in final Palaeolithic layers of Grot Skalisty Rockshelter site in mountainous Crimea. Unit III of Grot Skalisty site contains 30 cultural layers, which are connected to final Palaeolithic and are dated by 13-10 kyr BP (uncal.). Analysis of flint industry of separate complexes showed that the site was visited by hunting tribes of different cultures. One of the industries is Shankobian, its complexes contain numerous types of geometrical microliths without microburin techniques. The second type of industry is Taubodrakian, which is characterized by wide usage of microburin techniques for production of segments, lunates and trapezes. The industries are differed by the type of flint tools and by the technology of flint splitting. Stratigraphic analysis revealed that both cultures exploited the site several times, alternately. It seems that the carriers of both industries used different strategies of site exploitation in different seasons. The author questions the origin of the two industries. The origin seems to be connected with geometrical industries of Near and Middle East.
Keywords: Crimea, Finale Palaeolithic, Skalisty Rockshelter, interstratification
Information about author:
Valery Manko (Simferopol, Ukraine). Candidate of historical sciences. Crimea Branch of Archaeology Institute, Ukraine National Academy of Sciences.
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