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Materialele Conferinţei știinţifico-practice. 11 Mai 2023. Chșinău, Moldova

M. Suciaghi

The role and involvement of the family in the care of patients hospitalized at anaesthesia and intensive care units

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Pages: 153-162 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.55086/PRFCMCX153162

This paper aims to study the role and involvement of the family in the care of patients hospitalized in the ICU, which is a traumatic experience for both patients and their families. First and foremost, the family can provide emotional support to patients who may feel anxious, stressed and frightened during their hospitalisation in the ICU. Secondly, the family can play an important role in communicating with medical staff, ensuring that patients receive the necessary information about their health status and treatment plan. Thirdly, patients who feel supported by their family may be more confident in their own abilities and more willing to be actively involved in the recovery process. In conclusion, family involvement in the care of critically ill patients in the ICU can lead to reduced levels of anxiety and stress in patients and help to achieve a favourable outcome.

Information about the author:

Mariana Suciaghi. Romania. ORCID: 0009-0006-6752-2526

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