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Materialele Conferinţei știinţifico-practice. 11 Mai 2023. Chșinău, Moldova

M. Ungureanu

School solutions for family resilience. Fairytale heroes — models of resilience

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Pages: 183-190 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.55086/PRFCMCX183190

The need for resilience has been widely acknowledged in all social and cultural settings in the context of the pandemic crisis that has shaken humanity. Recent studies show that the psychological effects of the pandemic include anxiety, depression, severe disruption of family relationships and divorce. The context thus created brings into question the importance of emotional education. We are witnessing the transfer of responsibility for the development of young people’s emotional intelligence from the family to the school.
Starting from the premise that moral education is linked to affective education, integrating it, and that the contents and teaching tools specific to moral education can also support emotional education, we will show in this article that fairy tales, as an artistic pro¬duct with profound educational implications, can be used to develop the affective-emotional dimension, even in relation to the ability to be resilient. This assertion is based on the preliminary results of a pedagogical experiment we are carrying out, focused on determining the cognitive, affective and volitional effects of the reception of fairy tales in schools, through the dramatization method.
Constantly used to develop skills specific to moral education, the fairy tale provides many models of resilience. The fairytale world is a world that essentialises the real world. The characters and the situations in which they evolve are symbolic, so that reception through interpretation makes it possible to relate the same fairy-tale image to countless real-life situations. Studying fairy-tales in school could be one of the solutions at hand for cultivating resilience in the family.

Information about the author:

Maria Ungureanu. Romania. Moldova State University. ORCID: 0000-0001-7993-9608

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