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Materialele Conferinţei știinţifico-practice. 11 Mai 2023. Chșinău, Moldova

M. Toma

The importance of individual therapies in the compensatory and/or recovery approach of the student with special educational needs

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Pages: 173-181 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.55086/PRFCMCX173182

The family is a key factor in accepting the diagnosis and its involvement, in order to make them aware of the importance and benefits of individual or group therapy for the student with special educational needs, in order to improve the instructive-educational-therapeutic, compensatory and/ or recuperative approach These individual or group therapy sessions are held outside the educational institution, for a fee, partially or totally, with specialized staff, within non-governmental institutions. It depends on the educational institution where the child with special educational needs is schooled, it he must be provided, free of charge, speech therapy support services from a speech therapist both in mainstream and special education. Of particular importance is the formation of a partnership between school-students-parents and other specialists who are involved in the inclusion process of the student with special educational needs, as well as the development of relationships between teacher-teacher, student-student, as well as therapist-student, in the private environment, which will contribute to favoring socio-educational inclusion, as well as later the professional one.

Information about the author:

Mihaela Toma. Chisinau, Moldova. Universitatea de Stat din Moldova. ORCID: 0000-0002-9912-6089

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