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Stratum plus. 2015. No.2

V. A. Borzunov (Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation)

Fortified Settlements of the First Half of the Bronze Age in the North of Western Siberia

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Pages: 295-315

The author considers the most northern in Eurasia fortified settlements dated to the beginning and middle of the Bronze Age (by radiocarbon dates: end of III — first half of II Millennium BC). They are located in southern and northern taiga of Western Siberia between 55º10´ and 64º10´ of northern latitude. Previously spread here Neolithic and Copper Age fortified settlements had disappeared and were replaced by larger (130—580 m2) timbered fortified dwellings. They are located on high capes and edges of ancient terraces. The dwellings have been protected by ditches and, occasionally, by defensive walls. These fortifications were invented and constructed by primeval groups of taiga fishermen and hunters. The main reason of their emergence was a new redistribution and fixation of hunting territories among different groups. It coincided with inflow of new population from the south during the period of climatic optimum that caused severe competition among hunting communities.

Keywords: north of Western Siberia, Copper Age, Early and Middle Bronze Age, fortified settlements, timbered fortified dwelling, taiga.

Information about author:

Victor Borzunov
(Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation). Candidate of Historical Sciences. Ural Federal University named after First President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin. Lenin Av., 51, Yekaterinburg, 620083, Russian Federation
E-mail: [email protected]

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